- 200 $ + shipping cost
- 2021, 330 p., 7,33 x 11 po.
During O’Neill’s tenure, The Honorable John J. Burns Library has achieved significant acquisitions of rare manuscripts and books about prominent Jesuits and an array of British Authors Collection including world-renown poet Francis Thompson and archives about Hilaire Belloc. In addition, the William Butler Yeats and Samuel Beckett’s collections of original manuscripts were added to the library. Dear to his Irish roots and to those of the founder of Boston College (Most Reverend John McElroy, S.J.) and of the founding family of the library (The Burns), O’Neill was also responsible for the set-up of The Special Irish Collection at BC. By 2011, the Irish Collection had grown from 6,000 books in 1974 to over 50,000 volumes and holdings of significant interest which represents in 2011, 1,000,000 pages.
Under O’Neill’s leadership, Burns library also received a major donation from prominent Irish American business attorney and philantropist, Brian P. Burns, of sculptures of the four Irish Nobel Prize Laureates: Yeats, Shaw, Beckett and Heaney.
Major collections of Irish importance at Burns is a set of 105 bound volumes of 1500 eighteenth and nineteenth-century pamphlets mostly of political nature. One of the major collections which was built at BC’s Burns Library under O’Neill’s direction was The Jesuit Collection which comprise today more than 50,000 volumes, 1,000,000 manuscripts and major collections of pamplets, art work, photographic negatives and prints, rare maps, newspapers, artifacts and ephemera relating to Irish history, life, culture and society from the late 1700s to the present. The author sketches in chapter 4 the Rare Books and Ancient Manuscripts Collection which host an impressive array of thirteenth-century illuminated codices on vellum to special limited editions of modern press books. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 comprise valuable publications including The Liturgy and Life Collection, The Boston Collection and The Rare Books Collections respectively.
Under his leadership, The Honorable John J. Burns Library developed the largest and most comprehensive collection of Irish research materials in the United States. Now, it hosts several million manuscripts and 235,000 rare books.
In 1991, thanks to a grant from the Burns Foundation, (established by the library’s founder and chief benefactor Brian P. Burns), Boston College established the Burns Library Chair in Irish Studies. Since academic year 1991-1992, the Burns library, in cooperation with the Boston College Center of Irish programs, has hosted a distinguished array of chair holders including former President of Ireland, the Honorable Mary MacAleese.